I can't believe it's actually happening. I'm hosting my very first author signing event!
Of course, I'm not going at it alone. My friend and fellow author, Nadege Richards, will be riding this roller coaster with me. We both have been to several signings around the country (and one out of the country), but none that were totally dedicated to the genres we write in. Honestly, it was mostly a bunch of romance authors and us. At least that's what it sometimes felt like.
So we decided to do something about it. IMAGINARIUM is our solution.
The signing will be taking place on May 2, 2020 at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. and I'm CRAZY excited about it. So much planning has already gone into the event and now that we've officially launched our website and opened up the interest form, things are most certainly going to really take off now. I'm honestly surprised at the number of authors that have already expressed interest in attending. I'm even more hype now! I think this event is going to be amazing.
I will post here as things unfold and keep everyone updated on all of the exciting details. But in the meantime, check out our website for Imaginarium 2020 and if you're an author, please feel free to fill out our interest form. We're also looking for volunteers and sponsors, so hit us up if you're down.
Talk to you guys soon!